


唐氏症 (DS) 是最常見的遺傳性智能障礙原因,它也伴隨著許多獨特的健康挑戰,包括較高的阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症 (OSA) 風險。OSA 在唐氏綜合症兒童中的發病率約為 50% 至 79%,遠高於非唐氏症兒童(只有2-5%)。



  • 腺樣體扁桃體切除術是治療 OSA 的常見方法,但在唐氏綜合症兒童中效果有限,許多(65-73%)孩子手術後仍然有症狀。 
  • 正壓呼吸器 (PAP) 治療雖然有益,但兒童持續使用上往往面臨挑戰。
  • 舌下神經刺激治療,在減少唐氏綜合症青少年的睡眠呼吸中止症狀上顯示了有希望的結果。然而,這種方法屬於外科手術,可能不適合預期會有顯著成長的年幼兒童,並且在唐氏綜合症青少年中與成人相比,手術併發症更為常見。





近期一項臨床試驗發現,併用atomoxetine 和 oxybutynin的組合顯示了潛在的治療效果。
















英文版 translated by chat-gpt

Down syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic cause of intellectual disability and comes with many unique health challenges, including a higher risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). OSA prevalence in children with Down syndrome is about 50% to 79%, much higher than in non-Down syndrome children (only 2-5%).


Common treatments are not necessarily effective for OSA:

  1. Adenotonsillectomy is a common treatment for OSA but has limited effects in children with Down syndrome. Many (65-73%) still have symptoms after surgery.
  2. Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) therapy is beneficial but often challenging for children to continue using.
  3. Hypoglossal nerve stimulation therapy has shown promising results in reducing sleep apnea symptoms in adolescents with Down syndrome. However, this surgical method may not be suitable for young children expected to grow significantly and has more common complications in adolescents with Down syndrome compared to adults


Can medication be effective?

A recent clinical trial found that a combination of atomoxetine and oxybutynin (ato-oxy) showed potential therapeutic effects.
The trial involved 11 children with Down syndrome aged 6 to 7, randomly receiving two different doses of ato-oxy treatment, each lasting one month.


Trial results indicate:

Both doses of ato-oxy treatment significantly reduced the Obstructive Sleep Apnea Index. Under the low dose ato-oxy treatment, the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) decreased from an average of 7.4 to 3.6; with the high dose, it further reduced to 3.9.


Additionally, ato-oxy treatment did not significantly impact sleep structure.


In terms of quality of life, measured by the OSA-18 scale, there was no significant difference in total scores before and after ato-oxy treatment. The most common side effects were irritability and fatigue, but these were generally mild.


In summary, ato-oxy treatment shows positive potential for treating OSA in children with Down syndrome.



In my opinion

The study excluded patients with grade 3 or higher tonsil enlargement and did not include patients with mild apnea (AHI < 5). Therefore, patients suitable for surgery might still need it, and it's unknown if children with mild symptoms will benefit from this treatment.

Moreover, the study did not have long-term follow-up, so it's unclear if a one-month treatment is sufficient or how long the effects last. However, if medication proves effective, it could potentially be used in other cases of sleep apnea caused by insufficient upper airway muscle tone, pending further research.




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