- 安撫物指的是某種孩子覺得有安全感的物體,比方說某個玩偶、某條小被被或是某個玩具之類,所以如果孩子半夜醒來可以很快得到他的安撫物,就能夠較快安定下來重新入睡。但是並不是每個孩子都能順利成功建立幫助睡眠的安撫物,有時候孩子是某段時間喜歡A;隔一陣子喜歡B,在嘗試建立的過程中,換來換去是很常見的。
- 幼兒大約在8-12個月大,會慢慢開始對特定物品產生依戀感,慢慢持續到3歲左右,然後再逐漸減低依賴感,通常上小學前就會消失(戒掉)
- 一開始通常會在孩子心情愉快的時候,例如喝奶或和爸爸媽媽玩的時候,將安撫物拿出來給孩子使用,讓孩子可以不討厭這個新物品;然後再慢慢增加出現頻率或時間。應用在睡眠議題上,大概是在家長幫孩子作睡前儀式時就是一個很不錯的時刻。
- 睡前儀式的內含項目不要變動太大,而且最好是每個晚上都能有
- 不要太在意時間長度:隨孩子每天的活力精神狀況調整。
- 如果可能的話,不要把餵奶放在睡前儀式的最後一項
- 睡眠的房間要注意噪音、亮度、和溫度;不要有太大佈置變動
- 最好能固定睡在同一張床
- 嬰幼兒要有安全的睡眠環境:床上東西愈少愈好
- 家長不要在陪伴時玩手機等3C產品,因為藍光會延遲褪黑激素的分泌而且也會引起孩子的注意力。
- 這是最重要一步:孩子要睡過夜,前提就是要能慢慢有自行入睡的能力;所以當作完睡前儀式之後,要給孩子練習從清醒到睡著的機會。
- 沒有入睡困擾的孩子,通常都可以在30分鐘之內入睡成功
- 家長在作上述調整之後,剛開始的1,2周,如果孩子還是常常夜醒,可以考慮暫時維持原本的安撫方式(例如:拍、抱、搖)讓孩子快速入睡;但如果3,4周之後,孩子還是常常醒來,在確認孩子沒有任何生理不適之後,家長或許可以考慮採行睡眠練習(連結1)
- 此外因為幼兒和學齡前兒童容易發生夜驚,所以孩子如果常常前半夜哭醒的話,建議家長可以記錄哭醒的時間點和錄影發作的形態,也能提供進一步的資料。
==========English version, translated by ChatGpt=======
Infant and toddler sleep problems are common, with about 1 in 4-5 children affected, and the prevalence is even higher in Asian countries. Here's a summary of relevant articles and tips from my blog to help parents manage their children's sleep issues.
Main Principles
1. **Establish Appropriate Routines and Bedtimes**
- Children who are overly tired tend to wake up more at night. While it's important for children to have physical activities during the day, excessive tiredness isn't beneficial. Allowing short naps during the day, combined with a slightly earlier bedtime, can improve night-time sleep.
2. **Try Establishing a Comfort Object**
- Comfort objects, such as a favorite doll, blanket, or toy, can provide a sense of security and help the child fall back asleep if they wake up at night. However, not all children can easily form an attachment to a comfort object, and preferences may change over time.
- Typically, infants develop attachments to specific items around 8-12 months, continuing until about 3 years old, then gradually decreasing, usually disappearing before starting school.
- Introduce the comfort object during pleasant times, like feeding or playing, and gradually increase its presence. A good time to use it is during the bedtime routine.
3. **Appropriate Bedtime Rituals**
- Numerous studies have shown that bedtime rituals improve sleep problems. The ritual should be consistent each night without much variation. The duration isn't critical and can be adjusted according to the child's daily energy and mood. Avoid making feeding the last part of the bedtime ritual.
4. **Suitable Sleeping Environment**
- The sleeping room should have controlled noise, brightness, and temperature, with minimal changes in decor. It's best if the child sleeps in the same bed consistently. Ensure a safe sleeping environment with minimal objects in the bed. Parents should avoid using electronic devices like smartphones during bedtime, as the blue light can delay melatonin secretion and distract the child.
5. **Put the Child to Bed Slightly Awake**
- The most crucial step is allowing the child to develop the ability to fall asleep independently. After the bedtime routine, give the child a chance to transition from being awake to asleep. A child without sleep issues typically falls asleep within 30 minutes.
What to Do if the Child Wakes Up at Night?
- Initially, continue using the usual comforting methods (patting, holding, rocking) for quick sleep. If frequent night awakenings persist after 3-4 weeks, and the child is not experiencing any physical discomfort, consider implementing sleep training (link 1).
- Record and observe the timing and nature of night awakenings, as night terrors are common in toddlers and preschool children.
If a child over 6 months old has unstable sleep (more than 3 nights per week) for over 3 months, parents should consider making the above adjustments to improve sleep quality.