

第一次看到快2歲的A小弟,坐在推車裡很有份量的感覺,果然一測體重就是個很漂亮的數值。可是爸爸媽媽帶來看診的主要原因是他一直以來都睡不好,尤其是入睡過後1,2個小時就會突然起床來大哭,怎麼抱怎麼安撫都沒有效果。 而且一個晚上可能發生個好幾次,已經嚴重影響到爸爸媽媽隔天上班的精神。 






------------------English Version--------------------------------------edited by ChatGPT----

During our first visit, a 2-year-old boy was sitting in his stroller with a notably chubby physique. Upon checking his weight, an astonishing number was registered. However, the primary reason his parents had brought him for a visit was his troubling sleep pattern. He had a tendency to wake up abruptly, crying vehemently 1-2 hours after falling asleep. Moreover, these awakenings occurred several times each night, with no comfort measures seeming to soothe him during these episodes. His poor sleep quality was already severely interfering with his parents' daily functioning.

After a careful examination and thorough history-taking, I formed an initial impression. Sleep terror was highly suspected. Additionally, given his substantial body weight and enlarged tonsils, sleep-disordered breathing, such as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, was also a concern. Consequently, I recommended a polysomnographic examination for him and also requested his parents to maintain a sleep diary for 7 days.

Regarding sleep terror, the comprehensive assessment, including the history and the video provided by his parents, was so characteristic that we decided to commence medical treatment with the parents' consent. Moreover, the sleep study confirmed the presence of obstructive sleep apnea. Therefore, he underwent surgical intervention for OSA, and his sleep condition progressively improved. As he grew older and began attending kindergarten with a regular circadian schedule, the instances of sleep terror also significantly decreased. Consequently, we gradually tapered off his medication. The total duration of his medication regimen was approximately seven months.



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